Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thing #4: Why Commenting is Important

Since blogs are designed to be a place where people of common interests share ideas, it is only fitting that blog communication be a two way street. A blog without the ability, or benefit, of comments would really only be a diary that others read, but the writer does not gain the benefits of reader encouragement, feedback or opinion. Comments really are the threads that hold a blog together and create the ability to form a sense of community. Since we live in a time where front porch talks with neighbors don't often happen, blog posts and comments from readers make way for a new type of neighbor communication. Blogs make the way to form a unique neighborhood or community with other people with similar interests and they don't even have to live in the same state. Wow!

With that said, there has to be a common etiquette for having these new "front porch" conversations. I found the comments of The Coolcat Teacher to be both informative and encouraging. I was glad to get some good "how to" tips on the ways to comment, track traffic and add the hyperlinks. I also found her suggestions on how to be a good "neighbor" by writing meaningful comments and warnings about the "Darth Commenter" to be encouraging.

I look forward to tracking and commenting on some other blogs! So far, I have found the following blog that I will track and am still looking......

Class Blogs
1. Lesley Spicer: Mind of a Tennessee Math Teacher - I chose this one because she seems to be in my boat, so to speak. She is a mother of three, works full time teaching high school math and is working on her Masters . I am still undecided between middle/high school and math/science. I hope to gain some insight into being a high school math teacher. (Commented on Things 5 & 16)

2. Blaise Miranda: Miranda's Blog - I chose this one because he is an engineer turned teacher, which I will also be. I am interested get his perspective on the transition.
(Commented on Thing 3)

3. Candace Rogers: Roger's Science Spot - I chose this one because of her interest in science. (Commented on Thing 3)

4. Susan Runyon-Davis: Sky Blue Sue - I chose this one because of her interest in math. (Commented on Thing 13)

5. Theres Dezellem: TDezellem - I chose this one because of her different interest in literature. I thought it would be interesting to see the possible different perspective and approach to the 23 things. (Commented on Thing 20)

Outside Blogs
1. Learning 2.1 Blog: I chose this one because it had some other tools that were not explored as a part of APSU 23 things. (Commented on Thing 63)

2. Podcastally Blog: Bytesize Science: I commented on this because I like the format of the podcast when reporting scientific topics

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