Monday, March 2, 2009

Thing #7: Explore Flickr

These pictures were taken by my husband a few years ago at the beach. My son is "rescuing" the fish......cute huh?
I really enjoyed learning about Flickr. I have heard about it many times, but this was the first time I tried it out. I actally created an account and uploaded some photos. I have all of them except these two photos privacy protected for family and friends because all are primarily family photos, but I might venture out in the future with some others that are not as personal. I would probably use Flickr primarily for personal use. I might also use this in the classroom for specific projects. The only other photo hosting service I have used in the past was Snapfish. I only used it once for Christmas cards. They both seem similiar, but Flickr seems to have a stronger emphasis on sharing. Since most of my photos are family, I am not overly eager to put them on the internet. I know they can be marked as private, but since there is no huge advantage for them to be on the internet for me, I probably will do that on a limited basis.


  1. Isn't Flickr amazing? I like to think so. I just found out about it about 3 weeks ago through a blog group type thing. But it is just the best invention ever.

    I have to agree with you on the difference between snapfish and flickr and depending on the purpose I enjoy using both of them.

    The pictures of your son and the fish are way too adorable.

  2. Thanks! We had fun taking these pictures.

  3. I love your pictures! That is so funny and so cute! I agree with you on keeping the family pictures private. You could still use Flickr as a backup for family photos, though.
