Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I am truly glad to have arrived at the end, but so glad I took the trip!
What were my favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
Julie Andrews had her favorite things and these are a few of my favorite APSU 23 things....Google calendar, Animoto, Flickr, Online Image Generators and just learning to Blog. I am not sure I every would have created my own blog if not for this class.
How has this program affected my lifelong learning goals?
Way back in Thing #1, I mentioned that playing was one of the Habits that was difficult for me to do. I sometimes focus so intently on the task at hand that I forget to have fun during the process. This program definitely showed me another example of how you can have fun while learning. There were several activities that were very fun and seemed much more like play than homework. There were times when my husband took over home responsibilities so that I could work on the 23 Things and I felt really guilty for getting to "work" on them when I felt like I was just playing on the computer.
Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised me?
The biggest surprise was how much is out there that is free and so useful. I knew the Internet was amazing, but did not know how much web 2.0 has changed things. It seemed like every week I was telling my friends and family about something new I learned. I have said many times during this semester, that this is a class that could be taken every few years and be totally different just because technology changes so fast.
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
I really liked the program. The only thing I might change it to try to combine some of the items to streamline a little bit. There were a couple that were similiar enough to be able to do this without sacrificing content and learning.
How will what I have learned influence my practice as a teacher?
I will definitely use what I have learned in the classroom. There are so many educational resources to use in the classroom. The pictures and videos are wonderful resources that can be incorporated into any lesson plan. More importantly, I will not be intimidated to try to use these, and other, new tools in the classroom with students.
How do I plan to keep up with new developments in web 2.0? Recommend a way that I have found to be useful.
I have already subscribed to the RSS feed for the Learning 2.1 blog. That will be a great way to keep up with new developments.
Thanks for such a great experience!!!
Thing #23: Creative Commons
1. The note after Thing 23: *Note: This project is loosely based upon the website 43Things (which allows you to set and track personal goals) and the Stephen Abram article titled 43 Things I (or You) might want to do this year (Information Outlook - Feb 2006).
2. The note in the "About Learning 2.0" section: Learning 2.0 - 23 Things for Teachers is based on Learning 2.0 - 23 Things. That program is based on the Learning 2.0 program that was designed by Helene Blowers, Technology Director at the Charlotte Mecklenburg County Public Library system, with the support and assistance of several staff. Helene's program was loosely based upon Stephen Abram's article, 43 Things I (or You) might want to do this year (Information Outlook - Feb 2006) and the website 43Things.
Until reviewing the resources about Creative Commons, I had no idea it was so complex. I am so glad I had the opportunity to review them and I feel so much better equipped to teach students how important this is. Teaching by example is definitely the first step. Secondly, these are such great resources to help teach students about this too by incorporating them into my curriculum as well.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Thing #22: Podcasts: No iPod Needed!
The following podcast is one I found interesting and I think students would enjoy:
Thing #21: Animoto
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thing #20: You, Too, Can YouTube
Thing #19: Beyond MySpace: Other Social Networks
1) Add the Teacher POP badge to this blog. This is posted on the top left of the blog.
2) Left a message, AKA commented on a video entitled, " Math Education: An Inconvenient Truth" posted by Dr. Wall.
Other than Facebook, this is the only online community I have joined. Teacher POP is appealing because it was created specifically for educators and is an APSU original. I think I will enjoy the networking with people who share common experiences in the APSU education program. I will be able to learn much from fellow students and others through this online community.
Thing #18: Explore Social Networking
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Thing #17: Tagging and Social Bookmarking with
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Thing #16: Get Organized with Web 2.0 Tools

I created an iGoogle home page. I chose that because I already have a Google account and the setup was very easy. I found it easy to customize and set up just the way I needed it to be. I definitely plan to make that my permanent home page. I really wish I would have done this sooner. It will be very useful to have all the the information that is important to me in one place when I need it and updated daily. I have never done this, because I simply have not taken the time to see what is out there to make my life easier. As I have mentioned before, I REALLY like the Google calendar and I added that to my home page first thing! This has already been so useful and I already have big plans to do more. I also added the "to-do list" gadget to my home page just as a visual reminder. I also investigated some of the other tools for list management that were a little more complex. I want to look into those some more, but think they will go hand in hand with Google calendar to improve my productivity and organization. The mobile phone notification and management for tasks and lists are what I am very interested in learning more about. Did I mention that I love Google calendar?! Thanks Dr. Wall!!! I will definitely recommend it to others.
Thing #15: What in the World is a Wiki?
Thing #14: Go With the Flow
Thing #13: Web-Based Applications
My imported Zoho Writer Example follows:
This is my example of a Zoho Writer document. So far, I like it. I knew there were online applications such as this, but really perceived them to be far inferior to Microsoft Office. Zoho Writer is making me reconsider my position on this. It is easy to use and I like the idea of being able to easily import and export with Microsoft Office. I also like the ability to create documents as a pdf files without having to purchase the full Adobe software package. I have already decided to give this a try on some work files that I share with others. I will definitely like not having to make sure the latest version is saved on my jump drive that I carry to and from work. I am looking forward to seeing how I like it over time.